Independence Day Fun

It's hard to believe July is here! And with that comes the inevitable celebratory gatherings full of food, fireworks, and a whole lot of patriotic flare.

Unquestionably, Independence Day is one of America’s biggest holidays bringing together family and friends with Fourth of July festivities for all to enjoy. And it's also one of the few times a year when your party decorations can absolutely coordinate with your outfit.
As Americans are taking time this week to reflect on the real meaning of this holiday, we understand the price so many of our fellow Americans—most especially our military and our Founding Fathers—paid to ensure this freedom.

As we celebrate with utter enthusiasm, some of the ways in which we gather may look different, but the sentiment is the same from sea to shining sea. The celebration of the birth of American independence usually includes festivities ranging from parades, fireworks, and even concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.
While you may be decked out in red, white and blue, why shouldn't your gathering space be as well?

Look for simple ways to incorporate those colors into your tablescapes, décor, and even food! Red, white, and blue bandanas, checkered fabric, and ribbons can give the Americana vibe without the actual use of stars and stripes on everything.
Keep a simple menu and don't hesitate to ask guests to bring items to help round out your meal. Plan to offer a few yard games or self-directed activities to take the pressure off yourself. It's can be easy to get caught up in trying to achieve a magazine worthy experience for your party, but let what you do be enough.

After the past year that we have collectively had, this year seems especially sweet to be together, to enjoy the blessings of family and friends and to focus on the important things in life.
However you decide to gather, remember to savor the long summer nights, the sweet treats and let freedom ring.